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VFX Animations


Rising Storm is to honor the 43 that died in the Detroit race riot in July 23rd 1967. It is an interactive virtual reality piece that you can play on your phone

Project Rising Strong


I was commissioned to create concept animations for magic spells in their table top game. The hopes is to eventually convert the table top game into a video game. These animations were created to visualize the spells within the game.

Spire Animations


Once Upon A Time Horror Stream

Made a forest scene using nothing but hand drawn assets for a stream I did in October 2021. In this stream, we told horror stories using the card game Once Upon A Time. I first animated the campfire using TVPaint. I then designed multiple characters with a talking image and a idle image. Using an add-on for OBS, I connected the Discord channel we used for the stream. That way, when someone spoke, the add-on would automatically switch the images from idle to talking. You can watch the results below.

Other Effects

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